Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week One

Dear Parents,

Well we made it through week 1!  I thought the first day went really well, and I hope that all of you feel the same.  I hope your children had as much fun as I did and that they learned a lot :)

Next week Presentations will be tell us your favorite short story.

Here are a few suggestions that might help you this week:

The infinitive song we used in class can be found on cc connected.  Just type in English cycle 3 in your search and you should be able to find it easily.

Also on CC connected there are some great Latin worksheets that has the words for each week ready for your kids to trace.  They can practice their letter writing and their Latin at the same time!  I found it by typing Latin cycle 3 in the search.

I also have a fun hands on idea that can be used this week or next:  French Bread Pizza Boats.  (We call them Mayflower Pizza at our house, but you can make call them the Nina, Pinta or the Santa Maria as well)  All you have to do is buy french bread pistolettes, cut them in half, spread pizza sauce and add toppings and cheese.  Bake until cheese is melted and bread is crispy.  Then I use wooden skewers (sometimes I break them in half depending on how long they are) and put sliced cheese on the skewers for sails.  Then you have made Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria or Mayflower Pizza!  I plan on doing this with my kids while we play the song in the background.  Hope you enjoy!

Well, again I enjoyed teaching your children this week and look forward to another great day for week 2.  Please call or text me if you have any questions or if you need to talk to me.  See you on Tuesday!

Rebecca Nettles